=== WP Team Showcase and Slider Pro ===
Contributors: wponlinesupport, anoopranawat, pratik-jain
Tags: team, teamshowcase, team slider, responsive teamshowcase, slider, teamshowcase rotator, carousel, custom, custom post type, cv, employees, grid, honeycomb, meet team, members, portfolio, profile, shortcode, skills, social, staff, team, template, v-card, members profile, my team, our team, responsive team display, responsive team, team members, team members profile, team profile, team showcase, tlp team, WordPress Team Member
Requires at least: 4.7
Tested up to: 6.7
Stable tag: 1.6.1
Requires PHP: 5.4
Easy to add and display your employees, team members in Grid view and Slider view.
== Description ==
WP Team Showcase and Slider allows you to easily create and display your team members & staff and show them on your site. Your visitors will see a beautiful list of your team, with their pictures, links to social icons. The members will display in a responsive grid with the number of columns you set and with the information you want to display.
**Plugin contain two shortcode**
[wp-team] and [wp-team-slider]
Where you can display Team Showcase in grid view and slider view with responsive. You can also select design theme from "Team Showcase -> Designs".
A really simple way to manage Team Showcase on your site. This plugin creates a Team Showcase and a Team Showcase rotator/Team Showcase slider custom post type,
complete with WordPress admin fields for adding team member details ie Name, content, Team Details, Social Details and Image.
= Use Following Grid parameters with shortcode =
= Use Following Slider parameters with shortcode =
= Here is Template code =
Grid Template Code
Slider Template Code
= Features Added =
* Display Team member showcase in grid view.
* Display Team member showcase in slider view.
* Enable popup for more info.
* Fully Responsive
* 2 Different layout
* Custom meta filed
* Shortcode
* Social links (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and etc)
* Gutenberg, Elementor, Beaver and Site-origin Page Builder Support.
* Divi Page Builder Native Support.
* Fusion Page Builder (Avada) native support.
* Fully Responsive.
* 100% Multi language.
= Available fields =
* Title/Name (Add as Post title)
* Description (Add as Post Content)
* Short Bio (Add as Post Excerpt)
* Member Department
* Member Designation
* Skills
* Member Experience
* Social links (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn and etc )
== Installation ==
1. Upload the 'wp-team-showcase-and-slider' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
2. Activate the "wp-team-showcase-and-slider" list plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Add a new page and add this short code
4. If you want to display using slider then use this short code
5. Here is Template code
6. If you want to display using slider then use this template code
== Changelog ==
= 1.6.1 (10 Feb 2023) =
* [*] Update - public JS and CSS are minified in the plugin.
= 1.6 (09 Feb 2023) =
* [*] Update - Add nonce security while saving sorting order in admin area.
* [*] Update - Improve some sanitization function.
* [*] Update - Update license code file.
* [*] Update - Added nonce security to plugin reset setting.
* [*] Update - Improve post sorting functionality for user experience.
* [*] Fix - Image is not visible in old browser when plugin lazy load is enabled.
* [*] Fix - Fixed slider initialization issue with Elementor vertical tab.
* [*] Fix - SEO & HTML validation error of empty image source when plugin lazy load is enabled.
* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.
* [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.1.1
* [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.
= 1.5 (02, March 2022) =
* [+] New - Added 'member_link' and 'link_target' shortcode parameters for grid and slider shortcodes.
* [+] New - Added 'Member Link' meta settings to open detailed page of member.
* [*] New - Updated Numeric and Prev - Next pagination to scroll back to plugin shortcode on page load.
* [*] New - Added templating for member social HTML.
* [*] New - Added 'Quora' and 'Vimeo' social profile link for team member.
* [*] Update - Add nonce security while saving member sorting order in admin area.
* [*] Update - Now pagination will work with post archive page.
* [*] Update - Improved WPBakery Page Builder Support.
* [*] Update - Use escaping functions for better security.
* [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6
* [*] Update - Update plugin demo and documentation link.
* [*] Update - Improved tool tip text in 'Shortcode Builder' page for better understanding.
* [*] Update - Update license code file.
* [*] Update - Removed deprecated Google+ from social profile link.
* [*] Fix - Fixed one deprecated warning in Gutenberg block from WordPress 5.7
* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.
* [*] Dev - Added filters to modify plugin query for developers.
* [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.9.1
* [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.
= 1.4.5 (25, August 2021) =
* [*] Fixed - Resolved shortcode issue in elementor and site-origin page builder tab, accordion, and toggle element.
* [*] Update - License code for usage. Now user/agency can hide license page 4or license info.
* [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6
* [*] Update - Improved tool tip text in 'Shortcode Builder' page for better understanding.
* [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.8.
* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.
* [+] Tweak - Minor change in CSS and JS.
= 1.4.4 (02, Dec 2020) =
* [+] New - Added Fusion Page Builder (Avada) native support.
= 1.4.3 (29, Oct 2020) =
* [*] New - Improved WP Bakery Page Builder Support. Now plugin works in page builder tab, accordion, toggle and etc elements.
* [+] Update - Minor JS and CSS file updated related to VC.
= 1.4.2 (29, Sep 2020) =
* [+] New - Added Divi page builder native support.
* [+] New - Click to copy the shortcode from the getting started page.
* [*] Fixed - Resolved shortcode issue in elementor and site-origin page builder tab, accordion, and toggle element.
= 1.4.1 (08, Sep 2020) =
* [*] Update - License code for usage. Now user / agency can hide license page or license info from the page.
= 1.4 (24, August 2020) =
* [+] New - Added Elementor page builder support.
* [+] New - Added site-origin page builder support.
* [+] New - Added Beaver builder support.
* [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.5.
* [+] Update - Major changes in CSS and JS.
= 1.3.2 (05, June 2020) =
* [+] New - Added 'lazyload' shortcode parameter for slider shortcodes. Now you can able to set lazy loading in two different method lazyload="ondemand" OR lazyload="progressive".
* [+] Update - Minor change in CSS and JS.
* [*] Template File - Minor template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy.
= 1.3.1 (12, Dec 2019) =
* [*] Fix - Resolved team showcase slider image fit issue for older version Internet explorer and safari.
* [*] Fix - Pagination will work for front page if page is divided into multiple pages.
* [+] Update - Minor changes in CSS.
= 1.3 (25, Jun 2019) =
* [+] New - Added 'hover_pause' and 'focus_pause' parameter for slider shortcode. Now you can pause the slider on mouse hover and slider element focus.
* [+] Update - Now 'query_offset' will work with pagination.
* [*] Resolved 'Order By' issue with Shortcode Builder screen.
* [*] Template File - 'grid/loop-start.php' and 'slider/loop-start.php' template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy.
= 1.2.9 (30, Apr 2019) =
* [+] Fix - limit -1 issue with latest release.
= 1.2.8 (29, Apr 2019) =
* [+] Fix - Fatal error if plugin is updated in WordPress 4.9.9 or later.
= 1.2.7 (22, Apr 2019) =
* [+] New - Added Gutenberg block. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg!
* [+] New - Added 'media_size' parameter for grid and slider shortcodes.
* [+] Update - Minified some CSS and JS.
* [*] Tweak - Pagination will if page is divided into multiple pages with tag.
* [*] Tweak - Pagination will work on single post also.
* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.
* [*] Template File - Major template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy.
= 1.2.6 (20, Aug 2018) =
* [+] New - Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!!
* [+] New - Added 'query_offset' parameter for grid and slider shortcodes.
* [*] Fixed - Member image do not display in old browser like IE for grid shortcode when popup is set to false.
= 1.2.5 (24, Feb 2018) =
* [+] Resolved some minor issues for 'Shortcode Generator'.
= 1.2.4 (21, Feb 2018) =
* [+] Introduced 'Shortcode Generator' functionality with Preview Panel. - No Hassles for documentation!!
* [+] Added 'extra_class' shortcode parameter in plugin shortcode. Now you can add your extra class and use it for custom designing.
* [*] Used 'wp_reset_postdata' instead of 'wp_reset_query'.
* [*] Resolved slider center mode issue in mobile devices.
* [*] Fixed some minor issues.
= 1.2.3 (3, Jan 2018) =
* [*] Added grid support for col 5 and 6
= 1.2.2 (19, Jun 2017) =
* [*] Resolved slider column issue in IPhone 4.
= 1.2.1 (17, March 2017) =
* [+] Added two types of 'Pagination' numeric and prev-next to [wp-team] shortcode.
* [*] Taken better care of slider 'CenterMode' effect. Now design will not be disturbed with even number of slide.
* [*] Updated plugin translation code. Now user can put plugin languages file in WordPress 'language' folder so plugin language file will not be loss while plugin update.
* [*] Added missing 'wp_reset_query()' in slider shortcode to avoid conflict.
* [*] Resolved 'Team Popup' issue with Divi theme.
* [*] Make design compatible with older browser. Now image will not be stretch in old browser.
* [*] Updated font awesome CSS to latest version 4.7.
* [*] Resolved some CSS bugs.
* [-] Removed 'Plugin Design' page and added 'How it Work' page.
= 1.2 (29, Sep 2016) =
* [+] Added 'popup_gallery' shortcode parameter to enable/disable popup gallery mode.
* [*] Resolved one JS error when popup is disabled in [wp-team-slider] shortcode.
* [*] Update JS enqueue priority when any third part JS defer plugin is activated.
= 1.1 (13, Sep 2016) =
* [*] Removed plugin license page from plugin section and added in 'Team Showcase' menu.
* [*] Updated plugin license page.
* Added SSL to https://www.wponlinesupport.com/ for secure updates.
= 1.0 (06, Aug 2016) =
* Initial release.