=== Owl Carousel Ultimate Pro === Contributors: wponlinesupport, anoopranawat Tags: owl slick,owl image slider,owl slider,owl slick image slider,owl slider,owl image slider, owl header image slider,owl responsive image slider, owl responsive content slider, owl carousel, image carousel,owl carousel slider,owl content slider, owl coin slider,owl touch slider, text slider,owl responsive slider,owl responsive owlshow Author URI: http://wponlinesupport.com Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 5.8 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Owl Carousel 2 : Touch enabled WordPress plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive carousel owl. == Description == Note : This plugin is closed and no longer maintained. Display multiple owl carousel using shortcode with category. Fully responsive, Swipe enabled, Desktop mouse dragging and Infinite looping. Fully accessible with arrow key navigation Autoplay, dots, arrows etc. It uses A custom post type and taxonomy to create a Owl Carousel Pro, with almost unlimited options and support for multiple owls on any page. = You can use 2 shortcodes = [wpoc-owl-autowidth] - Owl Autowidth Ultimate Pro [wpoc-owl-carousel] - Owl Carousel Ultimate Pro = Complete shortcode is = [wpoc-owl-autowidth limit="5" category="5,10" design="prodesign-1" image_fit="false" image_size="full" show_content="true" margin="0" loop="true" dots="true" arrows="true" autoplay="true" autoplay_interval="3000" speed="300" sliderheight="400" show_read_more="true" read_more_text="Read More" link_target="self" order="desc" orderby="date" exclude_cat="5,10" posts="5,10" exclude_post="5,10" ] [wpoc-owl-carousel limit="5" category="5,10" design="prodesign-11" image_size="full" show_content="true" slide_to_show="2" margin="0" loop="true" dots="true" arrows="true" autoplay="true" autoplay_interval="3000" autoplay_hover_pause="true" speed="300" center_mode="true" auto_height="false" sliderheight="" left_right_padding="0" show_read_more="true" read_more_text="Read More" link_target="self" order="desc" orderby="date" exclude_cat="5,10" posts="5,10" exclude_post="5,10"] = Here is Template code = = Use Following parameters with shortcode = [wpoc-owl-autowidth] * **Limit :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth limit="8"] (Limit number of owls. By default set to "15". if you want to display all owls then set limit to limit="-1".) * **Design :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth design="prodesign-1"] (Choose owl slider design. Refer plugin documentation for more designs.) * **Category :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth category="category_ID"] ( Display owl slider by their category ID. ) * **Image Fit :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth image_fit="true"](set image in box) * **Image Size :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth image_size="Full"](Display appropriate image size from WordPress. Default is "large". Values are thumbnail, medium, large, original.) * **Show Content :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth show_content="true" ] (Display content OR not. By default value is "true". Options are "ture OR false".) * **Loop :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth loop="true" ] (Create a Infinite loop sliding. By default value is "true". Options are "ture OR false"). * **Dots and arrows :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth dots="false" arrows="false"] * **Autoplay :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth autoplay="true"] (Start owl slider automatically. Values are "true" OR "false".) * **Stop on Hover :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth autoplay_hover_pause="true"] (Stop owl slider whrn mouse hover. Values are "true" OR "false".) * **Autoplay Interval :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth autoplay_interval="3000"] (Delay between two owls.) * **Speed :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth speed="3000"] (Control speed of owl slider.) * **Slider Height :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth sliderheight="400" ] (Set Slider height. By default given 400px height.) * **Auto Height :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth auto_height="400" ] (Set Slider Auto height. Values are "true" and "false") * **Show Read More :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth show_read_more="false"] (Show/Hide read more links. Values are "true" and "false".) * **Read More Text :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth read_more_text="More"] (Control read more button text.) * **Link Target :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth link_target="blank"] (Open link in a same window or in a new tab. Values are "self" OR "blank".) * **Order :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth order="DESC"] (Controls owls order. Values are "ASC" OR "DESC".) * **Orderby :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth orderby="post_date"] (Display owls in your order. Values are "post_date", "modified", "title", "name" (Post Slug), "ID", "rand", "menu_order" (Sort Order), "comment_count".) * **Exclude Category :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth exclude_cat="1,5,6"] (Exclude some owl slider category which you do not want to display.) * **Exclude Post :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth hide_post="1,5,6"] (Exclude some owls which you do not want to display.) * **Display Specific Posts :** [wpoc-owl-autowidth posts="1,5,6"] (Display only specific owls.) [wpoc-owl-carousel] * **Limit :** [wpoc-owl-carousel limit="8"] (Limit number of owls. By default set to "15". if you want to display all owls then set limit to limit="-1".) * **Design :** [wpoc-owl-carousel design="prodesign-11"] (Choose carousel owl design. Refer plugin documentation for more designs.) * **Category :** [wpoc-owl-carousel category="category_ID"] ( Display owl slider by their category ID ). * **Image Fit :** [wpoc-owl-carousel image_fit="true"](set image fit to box) * **Image Display Size :** [wpoc-owl-carousel image_size="large"] ( Display appropriate image size from WordPress. Default is "large". Values are thumbnail, medium, large, original.) * **Slides Column :** [wpoc-owl-carousel slide_to_show="3"] (Display number of owls at a time in owl slider.) * **Show Content :** [wpoc-owl-carousel show_content="true" ] (Display content OR not. By default value is "true". Options are "ture OR false"). * **Loop :** [wpoc-owl-carousel loop="true" ] (Create a Infinite loop sliding. By default value is "true". Options are "ture OR false"). * **Dots and arrows** : [wpoc-owl-carousel dots="false" arrows="false"] * **Autoplay :** [wpoc-owl-carousel autoplay="true"] (Start owl slider automatically. Values are "true" OR "false".) * **Autoplay Interval :** [wpoc-owl-carousel autoplay_interval="3000"] (Delay between two owls.) * **Speed :** [wpoc-owl-carousel speed="3000"] * **Centermode :** [wpoc-owl-carousel center_mode="true" ] ( Enables centered view with partial prev/next owls. Use with odd numbered owlsToShow counts and owls_to_scroll="1". By default value is "false") * **Variable Width :** [wpoc-owl-carousel variablewidth="true" ] (Variable width of images in owl slider. By default value us "false".) * **Show Read More :** [wpoc-owl-carousel show_read_more="false"] (Show/Hide read more links. Values are "true" and "false".) * **Read More Text :** [wpoc-owl-carousel read_more_text="More"] (Control read more button text.) * **Link Target :** [wpoc-owl-carousel link_target="blank"] (Open link in a same window or in a new tab. Values are "self" OR "blank".) * **Order :** [wpoc-owl-carousel order="DESC"] (Controls owls order. Values are "ASC" OR "DESC".) * **Orderby :** [wpoc-owl-carousel orderby="post_date"] (Display owls in your order. Values are "post_date", "modified", "title", "name" (Post Slug), "ID", "rand", "menu_order" (Sort Order), "comment_count".) * **Exclude Category :** [wpoc-owl-carousel exclude_cat="1,5,6"] (Exclude some owl slider category which you do not want to display.) * **Exclude Post :** [wpoc-owl-carousel hide_post="1,5,6"] (Exclude some owls which you do not want to display.) * **Display Specific Posts :** [wpoc-owl-carousel posts="1,5,6"] (Display only specific owls.) * **Slider Height** : [wpoc-owl-carousel sliderheight="400"] (Set Carousel Slider height.) = Features include = * Display unlimited number of owl slider and carousel with the help of category. * Touch-enabled Navigation. * Fully responsive. Scales with its container. * Fully accessible with arrow key navigation. * Responsive * Given shortcode and template code. * Use for header image owl slider. == Installation == 1. Upload the 'owl-carousel-ultimate-pro' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. 2. Activate the "owl-carousel-ultimate-pro" list plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Add this short code where you want to display owl slider [wpoc-owl-autowidth] and [wpoc-owl-carousel] == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = * Initial release.