=== Blog Designer - Post and Widget Pro === Contributors: wponlinesupport Tags: wordpress blog , wordpress blog widget, Free wordpress blog, blog custom post type, blog tab, blog menu, blog page with custom post type, blog, latest blog, custom post type, cpt, widget Author URI: https://www.essentialplugin.com/ Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 6.6.1 Requires PHP: 5.4 Stable Tag: 1.6 A quick, easy way to add Blog designs to your WordPress website. == Description == Blog Designer - Post and Widget Pro display WordPress posts with multiple designs . You can display latest post on your homepage/frontpage as well as in inner pages with around 36 designs. = This WordPress plugin contains 8 shortcode = * [wpspw_post] : Display blog post in grid view. * [wpspw_recent_post] : Display recent blog post in grid view(Without pagination). * [wpspw_post_list] : Display blog post in list view. * [wpspw_masonry] : Display blog post in masonry layouts. * [wpspw_recent_post_slider] : Display recent blog post in slider view. * [wpspw_post_gridbox] : Display blog post in grid box layout. * [wpspw_gridbox_slider] : Display blog post in grid box slider layout. * [wpspw_ticker] : Display blog post in ticker. == Changelog == = 1.6 (02, Sep 2024) = * [*] Update - Create Gutenberg blocks with block.JSON metadata. * [*] Update - Use escaping functions for better security. * [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.6.1. * [*] Template File - All template files have been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy. = 1.5.1 (30, Oct 2023) = * [*] Update - Use escaping and sanitize functions for better security. * [*] Fix - Fixed post_type and taxonomy parameter issue in masonry shortcode. * [*] Fix - Fixed widget in_array(): Argument issue. * [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.3.2. * [*] Template File - All template files have been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy. = 1.5 (18, Aug 2022) = * [*] New - Now Sorting functionality will work for all enabled post types. * [*] Update - Use escaping and sanitize functions for better security. * [*] Update - Update Slick slider JS to stable version 1.8.0 * [*] Update - Update latest license code files. * [*] Fix - Pagination is not working on archive page. * [*] Fix - Fixed one deprecated warning in Gutenberg block from WordPress 5.7 * [*] Fix - SEO & HTML validation error of empty image source when plugin lazy load is enabled. * [*] Fix - Image is not visible in old browser when plugin lazy load is enabled. * [*] Fix - Fixed slider initialization issue with Elementor vertical tab. * [*] Remove - Removed .po file from plugin language folder. Now plugin is little lighter. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. * [*] Template File - All template files have been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy. = 1.4.5 (20, Sept 2021) = * [*] Fix - Resolved minor issue related to license and update. * [*] Update - Update minor old links changes with new website links. = 1.4.4 (14, Sept 2021) = * [*] Update - Gutenberg change block_categories to block_categories_all add_filter function. * [*] Update - Update new website branding related changes in plugin. * [*] Update - Update latest license code files. * [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6. * [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.8. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. = 1.4.3 (05, July 2021) = * [*] Fix - Fixed plugin notice license expiry message display twice. = 1.4.2 (23, Feb 2021) = * [*] Fix - Resolved shortcode issue in Divi and Avada builder tab, accordion, and toggle element. * [*] Fix - Resolved admin side masonry shortcode preview issue with Elementor in chrome browser. * [*] Update - License code for usage. Now user/agency can hide license page or license info. * [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6.2. * [*] Update - Improved tool tip text in 'Shortcode Builder' page for better understanding. * [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.6.2. * [+] Update - Minor changes in CSS and JS. * [*] Template File - Minor template file has been updated. If you have an override template file then verify with the latest copy. = 1.4.1 (12, Dec 2020) = * [+] New - Added Divi page builder native support. * [+] New - Added Fusion Page Builder (Avada) native support. * [+] New - Click to copy the shortcode from the getting started page. * [+] New - Improved WP Bakery Page Builder Support. Now plugin works in page builder tab, accordion, toggle and etc elements. * [*] Fixed - Resolved shortcode issue in Elementor and SiteOrigin page builder tab, accordion, and toggle element. * [+] Update - Minor JS and CSS file updated related to WPBakery page builder modules. * [*] Check compatibility with latest version of the WordPress. = 1.4 (15, Sep 2020) = * [+] New - Added Elementor page builder support. * [+] New - Added SiteOrigin page builder support. * [+] New - Added Beaver builder support. * [*] Update - License code for usage. Now user/agency can hide license page or license info from the page. * [*] Check compatibility with latest version of the WordPress. * [+] Update - Major changes in CSS and JS. = 1.3.1 (14, May 2020) = * [+] New - Added 'lazyload' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes and widgets. Now you can able to set lazy loading in two different method lazyload="ondemand" OR lazyload="progressive". * [+] Update - Minor change in CSS and JS. * [*] Template File - Minor template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.3 (14, Oct 2019) = * [+] New - Added Gutenberg block. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg! * [+] New - Added 'hover_pause' and 'focus_pause' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes and widgets. Now you can pause the slider on mouse hover and slider element focus. * [+] New - Added 'centermode' shortcode parameter for '[wpspw_recent_post_slider]' slider shortcode. * [+] Update - Minified some CSS and JS. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will if page is divided into multiple pages with tag. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will work on single post also. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. * [*] Template File - Major template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.2.7 (19, June 2019) = * [+] New - Added new shortcode parameter : sticky_posts="true" OR sticky_posts="false" for all shortcodes. * [+] New - Added order, orderby and sticky_posts option in all widgets. = 1.2.6 (27, Sep 2018) = * [+] New - Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!! * [*] Tweak - Taken better care for URL as image link and post link. * [+] Fix - Some missing translation string. * [+] Fix - Some designing issue. = 1.2.5 (04, June 2018) = * [*] Fix - Broken shortcode generator. * [*] Fix - Some Parameters are not working with masonry shortcode. * [*] Fix - Follow some WordPress Detailed Plugin Guidelines for admin notice. * [*] Tweak - Taken better care for image alt when post title contains HTML tag. = 1.2.4 (22, May 2018) = * [+] New - Introduced 'Shortcode Generator' functionality with Preview Panel. * [+] New - Custom post type and Custom taxonomy support which is publicly viewable. Now you can use with any custom post type. * [+] New - 'extra_class' shortcode parameter. Now you can add your extra class and use it for custom designing. * [+] New - 'include_author' and 'exclude_author' parameters for shortcodes. * [+] New - 'query_offset' shortcode parameter. * [*] Fix - Some warnings with widgets while using with WordPress customizer. * [*] Fix - Some language translate related issues. * [*] Fix - Minor CSS issues. * [*] Tweak - Used 'wp_reset_postdata' instead of 'wp_reset_query'. = 1.2.3 (22, Sep 2017) = * [+] Added option line height for title in setting section * [*] Fixed some design issues reported by users * [*] Fixed widget setting issues. = 1.2.2 (14, Sep 2017) = * [*] Fixed Grid Box shortcode issue = 1.2.1 (13, Sep 2017) = * [*] Fixed admin setting issues * [*] Fixed some design files HTML = 1.2 (27, June 2017) = * [+] Added new 20+ news designs in existing recent blog post grid shortcode [wpspw_recent_post] * [+] Added new 20+ news designs in existing blog post grid shortcode [wpspw_post] * [+] Added new 20+ news designs in existing recent blog post grid shortcode [wpspw_recent_post_slider] * [+] Added new shortcode [wpspw_post_list] for list blog layouts with 8 designs. * [+] Added new shortcode [wpspw_gridbox_slider] for list blog layouts with 8 designs. * [+] Added new shortcode [wpspw_post_gridbox] for Grid Box Post slider layouts with latest 13 designs. * [+] Added new shortcode [wpspw_masonry] for Masonry Post layouts with latest 24 designs. * [+] Added new shortcode parameters i.e. image_fit(true OR false) and media_size(thumbnail, medium, large, full) * [+] Added new shortcode parameters i.e. show_tags(true OR false) and show_comments(true OR false) * [-] Designs #26, #27 and #36 are deprecated from shortcode [wpspw_recent_post] and [wpspw_post] and added in new shortcode [wpspw_post_list] as a design #5, #6 and #7 respectively. * [-] Designs #28, #29, #31, #45, #46 and #47 are depricated from shortcode [wpspw_recent_post] and added in new shortcode [wpspw_post_gridbox] as a design #1, #2, #3, #6, #7 and #8 respectively. * [-] Designs #40, #41 and #42 are depricated from shortcode [wpspw_recent_post_slider] and and added in new shortcode [wpspw_gridbox_slider] as a #1, #2 and #3 respectively. * [*] Fixed some CSS issue for widgets. * [*] Fixed some CSS issue for Grid Block view. * [+] Added prefix for the classes to avoid the conflict with other plugins/themes = 1.1 (Dec 02, 2016) = * [+] Added 'News Ticker' for Post. * [+] Added 'How It Work' page for better user interface. * [+] Added 'Pagination' for post to 'wpspw_post' shortcode. * [+] Added plugin settings to customize post title, color and etc. = 1.0 = * Initial release.